Ads Incentive Program
We are launching a new ad program aimed at providing predictability for your ad revenue. How it works is that you stream for a specific number of hours — while running ads — in exchange for a flat payout. The goal is simple: help you earn a more predictable monthly income through ads, with no ceiling on earning potential. We want to help remove the guesswork of your monthly ad payout. We’ve built it on top of Ads Manager so it is easy to use. Just set your ad schedule and you are ready to go.
The Ads Incentive Program is available for select Creators in the Ads Manager section of your Creator Dashboard (as a note we are not currently accepting requests to join the program).
These offers are just the beginning for this program. You can find out more information here:
Twitch Blog:
Help Article:
We expect to improve this experience over time in order to make the lives of creators easier and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
Hey everyone! Popping in to let you all know we are wrapping up this post in UserVoice, however please feel free to continue to leave us suggestions for the Ads Incentive Program in the respective category in UserVoice, which can be found here. For more information on this program, please visit our blog and help article for additional details.
We appreciate your feedback, thank you all and have a wonderful day!
Yanis2 commented
I love this idea but as a small affiliate I'd like to have, at least, half of what's needed to get a payout as it's painful to grow on Twitch nowadays, maybe I'm asking too much
Also it would be nice if you let us access to a preview so we know what we could have as incentive, I really don't mind waiting months to actually have the full feature
NZLmonster commented
i checked my dashboard and i dont have any offers and im affiliated rip
SophieBaybey commented
I'd love it if it were more clear what made a streamer eligible for the program. Also, the payouts have to be decent. I haven't seen many people accepted into the program yet, but from what I have seen I haven't even spotted a payout over $100 yet. Make it worthwhile for us.
TGH_sr commented
Would love to actually have control over when my ads play if I take part in this. The type of content I provide isn't something I can just stop doing periodically, and simply can't revolve around a fixed ad schedule.
Goals for ad time to hit by the end of a period are great, not getting the bonus if I don't hit them is fine. But until I'm given more control over when ads play on my channel I won't be taking any offers for ad incentives.
Paputsa commented
Id love to know what exactly makes someone qualify for this program. As a small streamer this can be life changing and I'd love to be able to take advantage of this offer. Please provide more details on how one can get this activated on their channel and maybe even the reasons for us not getting it. Same goes for the channel point boosting feature that is still in beta. Not sure why successful partners get it and tiny streamers are left pondering, thanks.
MitosisDNB commented
You need to create the ability for these ads to be triggered. Many people will want to be able to trigger these during downtime in games. Having the ability to command this using a streamdeck or even just a key command would be so good and incentivise people to do it more.
Tyrone_Shoelacez commented
I had over 6 hours of ad breaks this month with an average of 41 viewers (4 minutes an hour.) I streamed 99 hours and I wasn't offered the program. How do you get selected or what are the qualifications for this program? I always run ads, shouldn't this be reserved for those streamers who run ads in the first place? I was offered the double ad revenue from December to January, but nothing for this program.
TheLionzRoar commented
i didn't understand a thing , lets supose a streamer streams 80 hours a month , then to receive the incentive of 500$ he still has to keep runing 4 ads per hour ? even though the minimum was 40 hrs and 4 ads per hour? or he can run 2 ads per hour as he does twice more hours of stream?
lipeimperador commented
Please make this guaranteed for all partners. +1
SeiferA1985 commented
Kinda hoping this gets expanded beyond just a select few affiliates or partners. If its going to stay limited in scope like this, you may as well just make it for partners only. Otherwise I really do love this idea and, hypothetically speaking, if I was in this select few, it would convince me more to focus on my ads
Mills commented
Please make this guaranteed for all partners.
paulvulturul commented
Allow the ads to be shown at the end or at the begining of the stream, so that there is the option of not interupting in the middle
Prophet_Alers commented
This would be amazing the last few months i streamed close to 40 hours a week so this would be easy. But the chances of actually getting picked are probable slim to non
GoddoyTV commented
The initiative is very good, but it seems that the affiliates that were selected were very few, I do live from Monday to Friday, going from 6 hours of live every day and streamers who are friends of mine, were benefited with animated emotes and with this one of the ads and they don't do live for more than 3 months.
BapYapSmack commented
"Select partners"? Why do people Like Xqc and pokimane get this when there is already an unbannable list on your platform to protect specific high ranking streamers that they're already on?Streaming is for everyone, not just five foreign people and an internet "adult entertainer" but your standards are garbage. It is freaking impossible to get a start on this platform, because everyone wants pokimane boobs or wants to watch xqc be a dick to everyone. Someone who juat wants to start streaming is pretty much screwed because of this backwards, inclusive system that is everything but new user friendly.
FolkBear commented
what happened to the blog post?
cosmic_star18 commented
This is amazing especially for small stream like me and many other that what to stream full time don't make enough income to be able to do that I just hope that this isn't exclusive to just larger streamers that already make a good amount of income already but over all this is just a great idea and as a small streamer myself struggling to make enough to stream full time and get new equipment up the quality of my streams I would love to be a part of this
Dangerlander1k commented
My guess is the ads need to be seen for advertisers to be interested. This means the threshold for AIP would likely target larger communities than the vast majority of 5 avg streamers. Some 14 yr old watching xQc for 10hrs is exactly who some big corpo wants to brainwash. Just make ads mandatory for larger partnered streams that already have established income and make everyone at the bottom ad-free so at least we have that to offer new viewers and maybe that will more fairly distribute new viewers onboarding. Nobody likes ads, that can herd new accounts to where the fresh meat is. Where there is more decentralized success, there are less twitch celebrities headlining the site with misreprenting drama. Hollywood had that problem with star talent an auteur directors until studios got wise and made it all about the IPs and adaptations. Also twitch certainly won't pay $1k a month for every full time affiliate streaming for 1 friend, his own laptop and 3 bots. There are millions of us by now.
Abominabibble commented
Being disabled for health reasons and a stay at home dad, this would be amazing if it's true. 40 hours a month? I'll stream 40 hours a WEEK while the kids are at school for that monthly payout if this is really happening lol
Though this should definitely go to smaller communities who don't have the subscriptions or bits coming in as often as the bigger streamers. Please don't prioritize the bigger streamers who already make far more than that. It helps us free up the TIME to stream. If we don't have the audience yet, then it's not financially worth our time to put into it. We have to spend our time doing something else to make ends meet. But with this, many of us will be able to have a bit more time, which means more time streaming, which means more time building an audience, which means we get bigger ourselves, which leads to us being self sustaining on our own. Personally, I will voluntarily opt OUT of this program and you can give my spot to someone else after I build enough to rely on subs and bits and normal ads (basically, once I become a self-sustaining streamer, I no longer really need the AIP, so I'd like you to help someone else at that point).
There's actually a lot of thoughts on this. Is there anywhere people can talk/post/ask questions about this at length and in explicit detail?
I feel like, if you folks utilize this properly and wisely, you're going to help a lot of people.
Edit: Oh, and as far as the ads themselves, can they please be a choice between auto or manual? I play live music and don't need an ad mid-song. Streamers should have the choice on when to run them, as long as the ad times are spaced out enough to be legit (no playing all the ads in one day at the end of the month, for example), and as long as the criteria is met.
SnagFromTTV commented
This sounds like an amazing opportunity for small streamers like myself to make the push for full time! 🖤 I would love to be a part of this