Ads Incentive Program
We are launching a new ad program aimed at providing predictability for your ad revenue. How it works is that you stream for a specific number of hours — while running ads — in exchange for a flat payout. The goal is simple: help you earn a more predictable monthly income through ads, with no ceiling on earning potential. We want to help remove the guesswork of your monthly ad payout. We’ve built it on top of Ads Manager so it is easy to use. Just set your ad schedule and you are ready to go.
The Ads Incentive Program is available for select Creators in the Ads Manager section of your Creator Dashboard (as a note we are not currently accepting requests to join the program).
These offers are just the beginning for this program. You can find out more information here:
Twitch Blog:
Help Article:
We expect to improve this experience over time in order to make the lives of creators easier and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
Hey everyone! Popping in to let you all know we are wrapping up this post in UserVoice, however please feel free to continue to leave us suggestions for the Ads Incentive Program in the respective category in UserVoice, which can be found here. For more information on this program, please visit our blog and help article for additional details.
We appreciate your feedback, thank you all and have a wonderful day!
BlackDaVinciii commented
When will this be available for ALL content creators? I love streaming and would love to do it full-time and be able to support my family.
Folon commented
Je trouve ce programme très intéressant.
Je ne le vois pas encore sur ma page Twitch, cependant je pense que cela pourra me motiver encore plus à faire des Lives.
Suggestion : Pouvoir sélectionner le type de publicité qui pourrait intéresser les spectateurs afin d'être efficace et toucher l'audimat de façon plus précise. -
riotmaker650 commented
This idea is great. I feel like it would make a great impact if it got sent out to all small affiliates. Hopefully as the program continues it will be more readily available to smaller and newer streamers.
caiocp123 commented
good idea! But I think you need to send proposals to verified streamers in general as it will encourage them much more. This will be much more positive for the platform and the community.
kuilios commented
This has the opportunity to have great impacts on small streamers but I didn't know about this until now due to the opportunity being given to such a small amount of people and so it isn't being spread enough to have an impact on creators, and a greater impact on smaller creators such as me. It would be useful if we could know what makes us eligible for the Ads Incentive Program so we can change our schedule for eligibility instead of it being nearly random. So if you can give smaller creators a chance to get into the Ads Incentive Program it might have a much more positive impact on everyone because it would lead to many more of us streaming. This goes for popular creators as well because advertising like that is the easiest way to get people to know. At the moment its not being well executed but it can have a great impact on creators who just want some extra money, as well as young creators such as myself.
AliceInGallifrey311 commented
Firstly-I want control over when I play the ads. I run as few as possible because I hate how people miss out on fun moments and I have no idea unless someone tells me an ad ran randomly, and the idea of interrupting my gameplay every 5 mins for an ad is insane to me! Who wants to bother watching that content? The pre-roll ads immediately make me turn away from most channels as a viewer and I can't control them on my end as is because it takes waaaay too many ads to disable pre-rolls. I just won't do it. Now I hear subs are getting ads too? WHY?! That's the whole incentive to sub! Most peeps don't care THAT much abour emotes, but to get rid of ads in a fave channel? Yeah they'll shell out. Most people I know don't like subbing simply due to how little goes to the streamer as is. Ads need to be chilled out over all.
As for the program itself I didn't bother reading about it because only big time streamers will get it anyway. I might be interested IF I had more control over when ads are played.
SpiritMusicorum commented
Whats hurtful the most is that 99% of the small streamers pushing out hundreds of hours of content to maybe get a payout once every few months that I talk to, never got the invite, while streamers I know of who already bring in a steady flow got invited.... This feels like a HUGE flop on the part of twitch and the lack of transparency about how many streamers were invited or what the requirements are to even get looked at, makes this a lottery.
This concept was great on paper and p*ss poor in execution with all due respect.
MeatiHS commented
It’s a great idea, but my experience for the first 2 months have been bad so I decided not to sign up for Ads incentive this month.
In all the FAQs, it says nothing about replacing/cancelling normal Ad revenue when you sign up to Ads incentive. So I assumed this offer was in addition to my normal Ad revenue. Looking at my Twitch payout this month, I’m pretty sure this is NOT the case. This should be made crystal clear in big bold letters at the top of the FAQ.
The offers I were given were significantly less than my normal Ad revenue, which is why I have decided not to sign up again. If the offers were better than my normal Ad revenue, I would definitely consider signing up again.
Toly500 commented
I´m very interested in participating in this Ads Incentive Program when possible for my stream. I loved the idea when I hear about this for the first time. I hope it can be soon, greetings from Argentina and thanks in advance!!!
ClashBashTV commented
indeed, it would be a big support for small streamers like me
josh_spencer_green commented
This program is "available for select Creators" but how do we know who qualifies? What are the qualifiers? Is it random? Is the selection initially performance based? How do we know the rate at which established qualifications are broadened? At what rate are the qualifications expanded? I would definitely be interested in this program as I already stream 40 hours or more each week, but as good as this news is, the reliable information is still sparce. Help us understand, please. I want to support this and fellow streamers.
TermitesRGood commented
I would definitely be interested in this AD Incentive offer. 900% count me in i hope
Newslnside commented
sTREAMING 65 hours month and planning 50hours by week but we need this incenitve ;~; we have 10 people on staff
bucefalo_rome commented
i stream much more than those 40 hours minimum, i'd like to take part to this experience as well ! please add me in bucefalo_rome
VaRiDeXx commented
I would definitely be interested in this AD Incentive offer. However I am not currently eligible for it. Is there some type of requirement that I as an Affiliate need to reach?
BigTallNotSmall commented
Yeah this would be a total game changer for a lot of streamers. Really great idea. I don't even bother running ads on my channel besides prerolls. I just don't see a point when I don't get next to nothing while turning people away from my stream. If this is widely available to lots of streamers, viewers will get used to ads or subscribe more. It would be a total win for advertisers, streamers and Twitch.
MERGINATOR commented
Herkes için açık olsa gerçekten harika olurdu. Özellikle yeni başlayan yayıncılar için çok emek harcayıp izlenmeyenler için destek olur. Sabırsızlıkla herkese açık olarak yayınlanmasını bekliyoruz
ItsJXin commented
soy afiliado y hago directo a diario más de 7 horas, hace falta algún otro requisito para entrar en el programa? El programa esta genial y quisiera poder entrar, gracias.
DrTiKey commented
How do I get selected?
ALEDreamgameon commented
Would love to be selected for this program one day:)