normalize Ad volume with content volume
Not as frequently as before but still often, Ads play which are dramatically louder than the broadcast content. This is an annoyance, interferes with other people in the house, and frankly makes me more likely to mute the ad and go do something in a different tab.
Normalizing volume levels with stream average volume or peak volume wouldn't take a huge amount of processing power and would fix the problem entirely. It's required by the US's FCC in other broadcast mediums, but it's really just a quality of life improvement for the viewers and a mark of good production.
A majority of ads on web and TV apps should now have normalized sound. We are still continuing the work on this and will update the status again when it is fully complete!
Anonymous commented
100% agreed. I understand the value of advertising, but the BOOMING ads are a joke. It's like - me: watching a stream... and then BOOMING ADVERTISEMENT COMES ON AND WAKES UP THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD, YOU AND EVERYONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WILL HEAR THIS TWITCH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BLAH BLAH BLAH. Then back to the normal stream. Please put some kind of controls into your advertising, it's really annoying and I try to purposely NOT use the services advertised because of the annoyance.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for damaging my ears with that incredible volume you have on your ads. I suggest that the idiots in the pr department are only talked to with megaphones, I hope you greedy idiots are aware that kids are watching the streams and when the ads come online the volume is so high that it can damage their ears. But I expect that you don't care that people are getting deaf because of your greed. So my my idea is that every time an ad starts a kid comes and screams at the top their lungs in your pr-department boss ear.
Simon Jörger commented
Unable to mute (some) ads and their earraping loud sound makes me watch youtube live rather than Twitch, even though I adore Twitch and am using the Twitch app to even allow ads. Please fix the goddamn audio already.
Stormforger commented
I know that ads are generated to produce an income for the site, totally understandable why you don't want them to be muted or turned down all the way. The volume for ads here lately has been atrocious! Can we find the happy medium with the ads plz!
jaat commented
The volum on ads are way to high, twitch should match the audio on ads match the volum on the stream. soo if a streamer have low sound and you turn up the volum to hear it you don't blow up your speakers when an ad is playing
Anonymous commented
These ads aren't just obnoxious loud, they're so much louder than the normal programming that I'm pretty sure they're well up into the causing hearing damage range. Presumably someone will eventually sue the stupid out of them, and I can only hope it happens soon.
Elite Soba commented
Audio levels are generally inconsistent from stream to stream: 50% might be too loud for one stream and too quiet for another. I'd like to save the volume slider settings on a per-channel basis so switching from a quiet channel to a louder one isn't as deafening of an experience.
Anonymous commented
WTF is wrong with you, you greedy bastards. the volume is so high my ears hurt, plus it is impossible to turn down the volume. First of all it is bad for the ars, secondly of you can't keep your streams stable don't make an ad pop up if the stream tries to reconnect after 5 seconds. Thirdly you must be very happy to wake up everyone in families, because you must squeeze every cent out of everything you can.
If you are so incompetent that you can't code an app, in an healthy an proper way, I suggest that the code monkey team, and their managers, are fired immediately, the rest of you idiots working at that should take a long look in the mirror and considered a career were you are not in any sort of contact with other human beings -
Krylicx commented
Frank commented
Hi Twitch. I thoroughly enjoy watching my favorite streamers. However, there are 2 issues which really ruin my mood so very, very often. I'm in the Netherlands, and any and all Dutch adds play unmutable and so loud they almost blow my speakers, let alone my ears. Please try to improve that, because my ears can't take much more. Another adds issue happens when switching to another stream in the desktop app it will try to load an add but 95% of the time fail to load properly. This results in showing the streamer video, but block out the audio while having the "this add supports stream X" message in the top left. The only way to get rid of failure on loading adds is restarting the desktop app.
CptLima commented
The auto-ads that pop up at the start of streams are loud, but they fall just shy of exploding my eardrums. Obviously, Twitch is missing its mark, as my ears weren't bleeding the last time an ad played. When my stream volume is on 30%, and my PC volume is 65%, there's no reason the Twitch ads that play are not wrecking my headphones or speakers beyond repair. I suggest turning the gain on these ads from 95, which I guess is the current volume boost setting, up to 98 or 99. That should achieve the goal of knocking me out of my chair or waking up the guy in the next apartment over from the sheer volume of the ad playing on my headphones. Thanks. Just a little more effort, and people in planes flying over my house will be able to hear these ads clearly.
Peck commented
This can be reproduced by watching a stream without jewblock
Peck commented
This can be reproduced by watching a stream without jewblock
Anonymous commented
well a volume limitation for ads would be nice i know ads a louder that the usual stream but some of them are way to loud
Tyler commented
Just lower the volume on advertisements, I have hearing loss from serving in the military. I can't turn the volume up during streams because I have tramatic shock from advertising. If my volume is past 5%. Change this advertisements volume is not more important than your users hearing. If I can prove your volume is higher than approved decibel levels I will take this to court. Civil lawsuit would be a horrible thing for causing damaged headphones and loss of hearing.
ML0RTD commented
Advertising no probleam but playing it at 100% and NO way to set a lower volume is just VERY BAD
Anonymous commented
Somehow found my way hear, ears still ringing, pun intended. Currently there is an Advert for JBL that not only cannot have its volume change but the volume level is insane.
The ringing in my ears from wearing my headphones and having that blast in, to me, should be completely and utterly unacceptable. My desktop speakers also suffered damage from this ad.
I like ads, well, I like the way the system works to help provide free content. I'll even pay attention to ads for as long as they are relevant to me. So I'm not here to rant in general, this is about this and certain other ads being completely unreasonable, I'm not sure if even healthy/safe, my ears shouldn't be ringing like this from watching an advert.....
Please, please do something about this.
Anonymous commented
This ads is insane! The sound started as soon as the ads begin and it's so loud! You can't prepare before because it's coming at an unexpected timing! Are twitch even response to this kind of complain? I hope there are some alternative other than twitch for my live streaming needs
Anonymous commented
make the sound volume same then its on stream (the volume bar on the video)
Anonymous commented
Whenever I open a Twitch stream I get an advertisement (of course.. *sigh*) but what bothers me most is that it will boom from my speakers INSANELY loud, even though the sound settings on my PC are @ 50% and the stream itself is on mute. I watch a lot of creative streams on mute so I don't cause any distraction to the people around me. Needless to say, the fact that your ads seem to ignore any and all sound settings but just blast my way anyway, is keeping me from watching streams. Fix it!