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52 results found

  1. After having read your new feature that allows streamers to disable Pre-Rolls by playing enough ads (30 seconds = 10 minutes), I think you've missed the mark slightly.

    I DO think it's a good idea to disable the pre-roll for people discovering new content. As such, I believe a better implementation of the no preroll idea is the following:

    • No pre-roll for users the FIRST time they join your stream BUT a forced 30 second 10 minutes into the stream if they stay.

    This solves two problems. First, it solves the problem of discouraging people from discovering new content. You…

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  2. Thanks for convert my opportunity to chill in the evening to a freakin annoying experience. I started to avoid buying things on amazon and i rather delete my account then getting prime. Thanks for your effort.

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  3. I am getting advertisements in channels I'm subscribed to, even in channels where I have a tier 3 subscription. I PAY TO NOT HAVE ADS. Either refund me for every subscription I have because you're FALSE ADVERTISING or STOP IT IMMEDIATELY!

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  4. Please stop running "pre-roll" ads right when a live stream starts. Every time I get queued up for a live stream about to start, as soon as it starts, I miss the first 30 seconds of the stream and have no idea what they talked about. This is especially annoying on dev streams and the like. KNOCK IT OFF, TWITCH! Even Prime users get screwed this way.

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  5. Currently every time I participate in a raid an ad plays immediately after the new stream starts, and it never ends in time to see the raided channel's reaction. This has caused me to just leave a raid in most cases since I can see everyone having fun in chat, but I'm stuck in an ad for the next 15-20 seconds.

    It would be nice to have a bit of a delay on the initial ad so that the whole raiding party can participate.

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  6. Pre-rolls on twitch are not working right now because they are ignorant and focus on maximizing profits instead of the viewer experience. The dodge rates are incredibly high.

    Change the system, let the creators hook the viewers into their content first before you throw an ad on their screen. there are two ideas on how to do it:

    Let the creators modify the first picture of the thumbnail preview. this will drastically change the look of the main page, but it gives creators an additional window to communicate with potential viewers. You can send a message to showcase your content,…

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  7. Would love to get more information on how automated mid-rolls will work -- and specifically instruction for streamers on how to avoid them, if possible.

    In short, the idea your stream would be interrupted without your control is a scary concept. Either it's going to be better for streamers to control the mid-roll experience themselves, or the experience is something more experimental that isn't clear (vs. simply interrupting a stream).

    In the Twitch Support initial Tweet it says "these [mid-roll ads] won't run if the viewer has an ad break." Can you clarify? FAQ seems to be missing how to…

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  8. Currently, in the Ad Manager, you can set ad breaks to be up to 3 minutes, but 90 seconds is the maximum amount to disable pre-rolls (30 minutes). Why not allow to disable pre-rolls for the full hour if you set the Ad Manager to 3 minutes? Running an ad every 30 minutes is way too disruptive. I am incapable of taking breaks when I speedrun for a full 100 minutes, it it impossible for me to adjust the three disruptions that would occur so that no one misses an important fight or trick. If it was ONE break of…

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  9. Preroll-disable functionality already exists, just have hypetrains add 5 minutes to that when they start, if the counter is at zero. Add more time if level-ups extend the hypetrain duration.

    If a hypetrain is going, something hype is happening, right? Who wants to come into a channel during a HYPE moment, only to get slapped in the face with a preroll instead of joining in with everyone immediately?

    The preroll revenue loss would be minimal, would encourage hypetrains (so a potential positive ROI), and be a win for everyone involved; adds functionality to the hypetrain product, and shows that Twitch…

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  10. I don't mind watching commercials to support channels, but I bet you a vast majority of people use Adblock because they dont want to deal with a 40 second commercial just to find out the person isn't playing the game their channel said it was, or that their voice is annoyingly loud, or that they are terrible at the game. I use adblock on my computers and would take it off in a heartbeat if this was fixed...

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  11. Nobody wants to see an Ad right as they enter a new stream. If they click on a stream from the main page or from a raid, nobody wants to watch it immediately. Me personally I exit as fast as I can and go watch someone else instead of ads. Viewers would be more inclined to stay around if watching ads wasn’t the first thing they got.

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  12. For the love of god twitch, stop showing Ads the first 3 seconds you begin watching a channel.

    Every-time I decide to start watching a new channel I am immediately bombarded with a minute of Ads. This usually leads me to just going back to a channel I have subbed to. Yeah, we all hate ads. No-one enjoys sitting through 4-9 Ads that can last from 15 - 45 seconds. And immediately playing this many Ads is mildly infuriating to say the least. I don't mind watching some Ads and supporting the Channel after at least seeing SOME content, instead…

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  13. Pre-roll ads don’t belong on live content to begin with, but they should never be as long as typical commercials/ads. Imagine clicking on a stream that you’re excited about watching in that very moment (because you saw something interesting in the thumbnail or someone tweeted about something happening on that stream) and then after the website loaded and the video player loaded, waiting another 30+ seconds for the live stream to load. That’s the current experience with pre-roll ads. It breaks the in the moment or “you had to be there” experience of live content.
    A 5 second pre-roll ad…

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  14. The size of a channel matters when you are looking to make ad revenue. Larger audiences are likely to have a larger number of potential ad viewers. Obviously, the sub/non-sub viewer ratio is important, but larger channels are likely to have a higher potential for ad revenue than smaller channels.

    Scaling the time needed to disable pre-roll ads will encourage smaller channels to run ads. When pre-roll ads are disabled, there is a higher chance a new viewer will enter the channel potentially helping to grow that channel.

    To "tag" along with the idea, add a tag under a preview…

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  15. Never in my life have I bought something because of an Ad on the internet and that will never change. On top of that the pre-roll Ads are preventing me from viewing new streams. I'm never going to click a new streamer and be like "okay cool i'll wait this 30 seconds to see if I even like the streamer", if you're going to force pre-roll ads then put it in a window in the corner and adjust the volume so I can hear both the Ad and stream. Or better yet don't try to force them on people!

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  16. I'm running advertisements on social media to increase my audience on Twitch.
    With these pre-roll ads, everyone that clicks my advertisement has to watch this pre-roll ad on Twitch, meaning there's A LOT of potential fans that are not able to watch my concept for 1 single second because the ads are scaring them away.
    Growing an audience on Twitch generally means more subs => more revenue for Twitch AND the streamer.
    That's why I had the idea to let streamers pay for disabling the pre-roll ads.

    I know there's an option to run ads on the entire stream, disabling…

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  17. Stream Display ads should not be the first thing you see when entering a stream. It discourages watchers to stay and see what is going on when they are forced to watch 2-5 mins of ad content before they even get to see or hear the streamer. Please set a delay on ads when a new user joins a stream. A user should not see an ad until at least 5-10 mins of stream content has been veiwed... then if you want to bombade the veiwer with ads AFTER they get a chance to watch some of the stream, go…

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  18. Give us the option to completely disable ads by "paying" you for the loss through taking a bit more of the revenue.

    In my channel analysis ad income is less than 2% of the overall income, but (especially) pre rolls extremely reduced channel growth - which obviously would have raised my channel income much more than thos 2% for ads.

    The numbers may vary from channel to channel, which is the reason to make it optional:
    - No money loss for Twitch.
    - Every streamer can decide for themselves, which is the best option.

    Thanks for reading and have a…

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  19. If I sit through a preroll, I don't want to watch the stream for 15 seconds and then also sit through a midroll or an ad from the streamer. Shared Cooldown at the very least please

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  20. When a streamer triggers an ad break, a timer begins, indicating the amount of time pre-roll ads are disabled for new viewers. This timer currently begins at the start of the ad. For example, let's say you run a 90-second ad, and the Pre-Roll Disabled Timer begins at 40 minutes. You actually lose 90 seconds of that perk while your community is watching the ad break, and anyone who comes in during the ad break still sees the ad you're playing. Sure, you're not exactly getting a "pre-roll" but the whole point is to earn time where viewers don't have…

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