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Twitch Applications: Mobile

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Twitch Applications: Mobile



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16 results found

  1. Roll back, and Ask community before you do something this stupid

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  2. OBS Camera allows me to take an iPhone and use it as a webcam, which is highly superior to the FaceTime camera.

    Please add support for OBS Camera or natively within Studio to allow us to fully integrate our Apple ecosystem!

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  3. just that
    i would like to stream irl with an external microphone so it doesnt sound bad because of the wind or just ambient noises
    also maybe a way to choose an external camera would be nice too
    but mostly i think the audio input would improve a lot if i can choose the mic that i want to use instead of the built in the phone

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  4. I don’t really like the new format of having to scroll up and down to channels like how social media works. Every time coming out of stream to check on something else, it’s always on pauses and it’s very annoying for me to go back to continue playing the stream. I like how it was for IOS. Simply go to channel that you wanna watch then shrinks the stream while having stream continue playing, and I can scout freely without missing anything until I decided to watch other stream.

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  5. Mobile creator dashboard is essentially useless for mobile. I cannot view past vods, create clips, export to YouTube or any other desktop functions including all my channel settings. The only way I can use creator dashboard on my tablet is to load into the browser site and that only works on an android device. So if you want to do any kind of admin work on your channel… you have to do it on pc.

    Please give us the functionality of desktop creator on mobile so we can actually do more. The app as it stands or “create” mode does…

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  6. Picture-in-picture streaming. When streaming IRL from mobile, allow a small window using front facing camera while the main stream is filled by the rear facing camera (or vice versa).
    This can also be useful for mobile game streaming: front camera use while streaming mobile game.

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  7. Ola me chamo Lucas bom a minha ideia e que consertem o erro o bug que aconteceu nessa atualização mas senhor Lucas que erro foi esse bom na minha live os telespectadores não ouvem minha voz só ouvem o som do jogo ou seja não e só na minha live ou no meu dispositivo nas dos meus seguidores também estar assim não estamos podendo fazer live então agradecidame eu os peço para que consertem isso para que possamos aproveitar mas a plataforma) É outra coisa a plataforma estar ótima mas podem também adicionar na própria plataforma para fazer modificações de…

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  8. Most mobile phones nowadays have multiple cameras with different ratios and resolutions available to use. Even if the bitratio stays capped, it feels unnecessarily user unfriendly to remove the possibility to use/test some of these options and force a homogeneous standard for all mobile app users. Some of these settings are:

    • FPS: 30 or 60
    • Ratio: 16:9, 18:9, 21:9
    • Lens: Wide, Ultra-Wide
    • Zoom: use the zoom while streaming

    As an example, I started doing IRL streams where I hike. I choose to stream from landscape mode since well, you see more of the landscape. The standard lens gives still a…

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  9. I was doing an IRL stream and my there no zoom option while liv streaming. It'd be a really cool feature.

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  10. Be able to add this games categories when live streaming on mobile and tablet devices for Samsung Galaxy A03s and Samsung Galaxy Tab-A.


    They don't show up in games categories in the search engine of Twitch app and website when editing the live streaming.

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  11. I love watching videos on Twitch, and I would be able to watch it more if I could watch it on my TV. An app for Roku or even just being able to screencast it onto my TV which is not currently available. I’ve spoke to many different people who agree with me. Thank you!

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  12. Estou com uma ideia porém preciso amadurecer ela, mas consiste em aumentar a adesão de pagantes mensais na plataforma e distribuir seus anúncios de forma mais natural

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  13. It's 2023, everyone uses Bluetooth. Please allow Bluetooth earbuds as a mic.

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  14. The rewards point shouldn’t be personalized to each streamer. It should be for overall watching.

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  15. I would like to see in a future update, when the Twitch creator goes live a notification would be pushed to them as well, letting the creator know they went live because it’s sometimes hard for a Twitch creator, sometimes to know if they went live.

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  16. porcodio basta con tutte ste pubblicità, si stanno lamentando tutti anche gli streamer. dio cane fate ride

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