29 results found
Wrong description in Create Prediction Description of 'outcomes' in 'Create Prediction' says that array size must be 2. Isn't the current limit between 2 and 10?
3 votesWe are updating the API to support more than 2 outcomes.
Diagrams not being rendered It looks like the diagrams/visualizations for this page are not being rendered for some reason. I'm not sure how that happens, but instead of diagrams, I'm seeing raw code that looks like it should work with Mermaid to render the diagrams. This is what I am seeing:
%% ext-twitch.tv graph TD ext-twitch.tv --> my-extension.ext-twitch.tv ext-twitch.tv --> your-extension.ext-twitch.tv
1 vote -
graph syntax not built on deploy The graphs on this page don't look right. The graph syntax is displaying, not the graph itself.
%% Extensions Overview Diagram graph LR Twitch --> | - postMessage - | Extension Extension --> | - postMessage - | Twitch Extension --> | - HTTP - | APIs Extension --> | - HTTP - | EBS[Extension Backend] Identity --> Twitch Chat --> Twitch Memes --> Twitch
4 votes -
If I need Extensions Onboarding, link to it. You have error messages that tell me I can't do [insert a variety of things here] until I have completed something like "Extensions Monetization Onboarding." The error message fails heuristics because it doesn't let me fix the problem. It says I need to do something but doesn't give me a link or way to do it. That seems like a huge mistake, but with the forums FULL of people complaining that they can't find it either, I'm wondering if it's a dark pattern and done on purpose.
If there is a workflow that requires me to move through certain steps,…
2 votes -
User banned extensions unload So it seems that when a user is banned or timed out, extensions unload/are unavailable to those users.
This is not documented.
It should be documented somewhere
5 votes -
Host example code in an official Twitch organization on GitHub This tutorial looks very unprofessional.
The example GitHub repository is not available from an official Twitch source, but lives in someone's personal
account at:
https://github.com/sonia145These GitHub organizations would be better alternatives:
https://github.com/twitchdev3 votes -
Split the Helix API reference into sub-categories As the Helix API reference page (https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference) is continuing to grow it it is starting to become unwieldly with the number of entries.
It would be beneficial to the docs to create sections for different areas of the API. Appropriate names for the sections are already listed in the API, as at the top of the reference page is a table that has a 'Resource' column which would be perfect for this usage, and that table can remain at the root reference page so that devs can see at a glance what endpoints are in what section, then…
3 votesThis has been on the roadmap, and is planned for early 2021.
Please add an example payload of a resubgift/anonresubgift to the PubSub docs I raised https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310213-developers/suggestions/41016568-context-resubgift-in-resub-events?tracking_code=8f96eb083a992136c313fb0ca1d79054 because I ctrl+f'ed for context as apposed to ctrl+f-ing for resubgift.
Please add an example for a resub/anonresubgift
5 votes -
PubSub Topics: no moderator topic examples/documentation https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/pubsub
Has no examples or documentation for payloads for chatmoderatoractions
7 votes -
PubSub Docs don't mention Token Type From: https://github.com/twitchdev/issues/issues/25
Brief description
PubSub documentation mentions the requirement to use an oAuth token, but doesn't directly specify which type of token, nor the requirement for the UserID of the token to match the UserID of the topic.
Authentication All topics require an OAuth token, but only some topics have a specific required scope (noted in the table below). Available Topics All topics require an OAuth token, but only some topics have a specific required scope (noted in the table).
Expected documentation
…Authentication All topics require a User Access OAuth token, where the UserID of the token matches the
10 votes -
Chat and Pubsub - channel:moderate As per this other uservoice
The moderation actions PubSub at time of writing requires a key from the channel you wish to listen to with the scope
However the scopes page
is mis leading as it only talks about how the scope works for chat leading to confusion with pubsub operation
"Perform moderation actions in a channel. The user requesting the scope must be a moderator in the channel."
The wording needs to be changed and/or the pubsub topic adjusted to support being able to read moderator events as a moderator
4 votes -
Modify Channel Information says "Query parameters" example post says JSON blob https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference#modify-channel-information
The example calls uses JSON, but the documentation talks about Query String/URL encoded form.
Docs should cover both possibilities and examples should cover both methods
3 votes -
Enabling Drops This guy does not resemble reality. Part 4: Enabling Drops; Click Your Console ( Where is it, I clicked Your Dashboard); Click Drops ( Where is it? How am I suppose to find it?).
Not approvable3 votes -
Embed documentation doesn't mention the SSL requirment https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/ and it's child pages mention the requirements for parent but never SSL
3 votes -
Missing docs on OAuth for initial step by step guide The step by step guide does not reference OAuth tokens yet they are required to do an API request, please update the guide to include info on this.
2 votes -
Fix TMI JS example with Promise handling https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/irc#overview
client.connect();Should be replaced with:
client.connect().catch((err) => {console.log('Connection error!', err)});
or smth like that.Let's show users how to write good code, and show them, that all Promises should be handled. Unhandled promise rejections is bad!
Tmi.js Library also have connect example which contain promise handling
7 votes -
don't assume gender of viewers in documentation Extensions Manager Overview -> Capabilities -> Request Identity Link
Description refers to viewer as a male ('his'). This is likely to offend some people?
4 votes -
The Validate requests endpoint omits the expiry from the example response URL
"clientid": "<your client ID>",
"login": "<authorized user login>",
"scopes": [
"<requested scopes>"
"userid": "<authorized user ID>"
}should be
"clientid": "<your client ID>",
"login": "<authorized user login>",
"scopes": [
"<requested scopes>"
"userid": "<authorized user ID>",
"expires_in": timeInSeconds
}4 votes -
Webhooks topic(s) don't note required oAuth From: https://github.com/twitchdev/issues/issues/59
Brief description
Mod Change and Channel ban Change events don't note the required oAuth scope needed for the topic
https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/webhooks-reference#topic-channel-ban-change-eventsExpected documentation
Add, (similar to
Topic: User Changed
)Authentication User Access Token must have the `moderation:read` for the user in question
Additional context or questions
5 votes -
Change description of broadcaster_id in create clip The description of the broadcaster_id inside of the Create Clip endpoint is very confusing because it states that this is the id of the stream but it really is the id of the broadcaster as the name suggests.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?