Feature small, quality streamers
On the frontpage, feature 1 small, quality streamer, next to the top streamers. Newcomers and hidden gems could be featured there to give them some more exposure. Obviously it has to be a quality stream so they could/should be picked by the twitch staff.
diegouy0 commented
Poder hacer que los canales con pocos viewers puedan estar entre las primeras posiciones de las sugerencias para darle a todos la posibilidad de crecer porque si los que recien empezamos tenemos que estar siempre por debajo de los gigantes de twitch, se hace imposible... no se es mi opinion
Sy_mPathetic commented
I think this is a good starting ground and a way to give new streamers a chance to prove themselves.
Quality can be a tricky thing to define, but some algorithms can help bring new and small streamers to the forefront. The left hand panel is under utilized in this regards. Moving the "followed" links to its own tab would free up space to provide links for both top, medium, and small streamers.
the panel easily supports 10 links, perhaps the first 4 for top tiers, 3 for mid tiers, and 3 for the small guys (the 50+ followers group) . This would allow a greater diversity of streamers; and content and go a long way to prevent the slow downward slide of popularity contests.
P.S.: The sub 50 group can still be left to fend for themselves as the "proving ground" to filter for the above mentioned quality
P.P.S.: I strongly suggest people up vote this suggestion:
"Change front page model to Genre > Game Genre > Game > Streamers"
I think this will go a long way to not only improve the front page but to allow smaller streamers more chance to be seen. -
Sy_mPathetic commented
I agree as well. Platforms that focus on popularity well eventually concentrate that focus on a small group of overwhelmingly popular people.
This sows the demise of the whole system as people get bored of the top tier and without new, fresh up and coming personalities to replace them, they leave for more interesting venues (Youtube is struggling with this right now)
A suggestion put forward that would go a very long way to distribute popularity and give new comers more opportunity is changing the front page to categorize by genre and sub genre before breaking down into individual streamers.
I strongly suggest people up vote this suggestion:
"Change front page model to Genre > Game Genre > Game > Streamers"
to draw attention to this; not my suggestion btw, but I think worth a big improvement-Sy_Fox
Olgit commented
Strange - I commented on this back in 2016. Mixer basically got given the same idea in 2018 and they initiated it almost straight away, with 110% community support. It's giving them a weekly chance to be front page featured and whilst some will never use that opportunity, many new streamers have been given the chance to shine and brightly have shown the way for others. Time to keep up Twitch.... your failing behind now.
Ark Hybrid commented
Make this so the many smaller streamers can have a chance and can get out there but only have people on the featured wall or list that get under 5 viewers every stream consistently.As a Streamer myself it's a bit anoyying because there's so many bigger streamers that have all the views and you could possibly see someone who is a huge stream that is still good at the game and you will the smaller streamers will have a better time and this might bring a few people from mixer onto twitch or from mixer back to twitch.
Tcba9 commented
Matthew Wright commented
it would help small streamers out a lot, as they try their best to stream but don't get a lot of viewers.
Anonymous commented
in the twitch universe these days its so hard to get noticed. you have your big guys like timthetatman, lirik, summit1g. they have all the viewers in the world and people migrate to them. they are on the front page and word of mouth spread them. but the small streamers just starting out have almost no way to get noticed unless you know one of the big guys, someone at twitch, or have a huge group of friends. why not set up something to help small guys get noticed. randomly pick like 2 to be on front page, or something i dont know. it just gets frustrating trying day in day out over and over for years and get no where. it should be hard i get that but some helpful nudges never hurt.
Anonymous commented
In my opinion, Small channels should be able to be seen abit more easily. when i want to check out new high quality streamers with a low view count that are stuck down the list im having a hard time because you need to scroll endlessly until you find them. I am sure they would appreciate being able to be seen better
Gennousuke69 commented
my biggest problem with this would be, you could get some really bad/offensive and low quality streams, its much better that it is for partnered streamers, it gives you incentive to get partnered and helps partnered streamers continue to grow, they put in their hard work and were recognized as good enough quality to become a partner.
HOWEVER, they seem to only really show high view count people on the featured channel and the partnered streamers that have low view's have no chance at all to get on the featured list, you made them a partner... why exclude them? the streamers with low views that do get featured just seem to be favorites of a staff/admin
Sekkuar 666 commented
Would be great but never gonna happen.
They need to keep those spots for someone who will give them money and not just leech their expensive bandwidth. -
Daniel Vojnic Tunic commented
It would be enough to make a form where you can apply for this feature
Ryan McCann commented
I like this idea, but how would Twitch make money off of this idea?
SinのAria commented
As a further to this idea, an option to view the list based on LOWEST view count (and maybe even hide streamers from the list)
Olgit commented
I'd like to see on the front page, one slot out of the six featured, dedicated to players who have a low count of viewers, randomly chosen from 10 - 100 viewer bracket, giving the community members a chance, helping to encourage, promote and support other member's of community.
Anonymous commented
could u make an system that helps smaller twitch channels get noticed because its unfair that there are smaller twitch channels out there that have the potential to be a good streamer dont get a chance because of the bigger twitch streamers ?
Anonymous commented
While this would be cool, I feel like it would be really difficult for twitch staff to mill through thousands of small streamers to find one that's just right. It's a cool idea, but a bit unrealistic.
Anonymous commented
This could be cool. I'm tired of seeing the people who buy their way through everything getting helped out by the big-wigs. I'd even be ok with them not being hand selected for their quality. If they just had a box on the front page that featured a streamer who's not partnered, at random, and changed every time you refreshed the page, I'd be cool with that.
Anonymous commented
Streamers with only a handfull of followers can still deliver quality streams while not being partnered but global mods could do it too for sure.
Cronus commented
Problem with it being picked by the staff is they're probably partnered anyway then. I think maybe a global moderator would be the better choice.