No-Hit Tag
Hey everyone!
I would like to request a No-Hit tag that will help creators and viewers find other no-hitters within the community.
For context, No-Hit runs consist of finishing a game without being hit once during the entire gameplay. I have noticed that there are several “speed run” tags, but none for this type of gameplay and this could be a great way to discover new creators and game modes.
At a personal level, I also host a No-Hit weekly talk show called “Informe No-Hit” that features the best runs of the week and a yearly No-Hit tournament that features Spanish and Latin American no-hitters.
We are building an incredible global community inspiring new creators every day and it would super useful to have this tag, so we can find other creators that love this type of game mode.
Thank you for your time,
Hey all!
Thank you so much for the passion on this post. This has been one of our fastest growing UserVoice posts ever.
We have gone ahead and added a ‘No-Hit’ tag to Twitch for use on your streams or for you to filter by to find new streams!
Thank you again for this feedback and please let us know about any other tags you would like to see added to the site.
Teshrak commented
Aportando mi grano de arena a los chavales no golpeados.
exoskr commented
Este es el momento, ahora, aquí.
LuccianoMotta commented
¡Que asi sea! Ya es momento de que esta comunidad pase a ser reconocida como tal, y sus creadores de contenido esten unificados en una categoria dentro de Twitch, y asi tambien sea mas facil para los espectadores encontrar otros creadores. ¡Vamos!
Tolkoraz commented
Twitch pls <3
pubgdemont commented
killermarkos commented
Mala idea si no lo hacen.
Avisados estan -
Sentraxx37 commented
Twitch ?
MrLovoRojo01 commented
necesitamos ya está Tag para que se den a conocer más los No-Hitters ! <3 <3 <3
Lksssx commented
ioogwayi commented
AleKaEse commented
relajao relajao 😎
MrDonaja commented
Necesitamos la no-hit go go
rareKid0 commented
please <3
CaptainProphet commented
pls twitch
abelociraptor commented
We need it.
Fryderykg commented
Praise the No hit
ShadowMaster798 commented
KuniferXIII commented
need no-hit tag
koro1426 commented
viva hob, viva chuso y viva la comunidad no nitter.
MateoElBotXD commented
pls twitch