Add Multiple Sclerosis as a tag option.
Our community would like to see the Multiple Sclerosis tag as an option for them to use.
Hello hello, just wanted to pop in and let y’all know that the “Multiple Sclerosis” tag is now live on Twitch.
Thank you all for your feedback on this post, and please let us know if you have any other suggestions for tags!
becky99d commented
My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and had a stroke a few years after his diagnosis. His conditions left him with problems with swallowing and burning mouth syndrome ,blurred vision BUT his gait improved after starting the multivitamincare .org formulas which they prescribe , he started swinging his stiff arm again and could write legibly after the usage of their products . The chief of neurology at the multivitamin care always said his condition will reverse back to normal. I did not believe it until last month here after his new result.
ThisIsMartaaa commented
Would be lovely to see this happen!
FrigidSouls69 commented
As an MS Warrior myself, I would love to see this tag on Twitch. That would be an incredible suggestion of support on their side.
CoupleaNerdz commented
The new tags added to Twitch were incredible, but with the variety of symptoms and differences between every person living with MS, not one tag really defines us. Help us raise awareness and point people in the right direction to help find resources critical to help those newly diagnosed and living with this disease!
suckatiracing commented
Please do this!!! As someone who has MS this would be AWESOME.
AlfaTrion commented
If we get this tag it will help us grow and strengthen our community and spread more awareness and raise more funds so we can finally one day end MS for good!
zigglesbee commented
MS is an often debilitating disease that millions of people have including myself. Having a tag would help provide awareness and also help in helping others find support, community, etc.
stgichick commented
MS affects millions of people across the world. Twitch helped to raise thousands of dollars for MS in March and deserves some recognition for their support of the MS Society as well as hopes for a long and deserving life with ongoing research. Those within Twitch are an amazing group!
AlexSmashX2 commented
MS effects millions of people, this tag needs to exist. People still dont even know what MS is, and twitch can help change that.
MSSociety commented
On behalf of the National MS Society and the Stream to End MS program,it is critical that Twitch adds a tag option for 'multiple sclerosis.' Not only will an MS-tag help raise awareness of this disease, it will mean a lot to our Stream to End MS participants who stream their content on Twitch.
Argumus commented
voting to help support my friend who streams and has MS
beeetato commented
yes! support the MS community! my dad has MS @kmacrox , and would love to see more awareness!
RedTheVet commented
I'm a multiple sclerosis streamer. Our community might not be huge, and we may never get a huge hype machine together to push for a tag. However, it would be very important for us to get one. MS has a huge impact on my life and a searchable MS tag would be great for anyone diagnosed or that have questions to find a place on Twitch that helps set them at ease.
jaccquelinehaller commented
Four years ago, I went numb from the waist down. After quite a few MRI’s, spinal tap, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was on Avenox for almost 2 years, i had 1 year of monthly steroids IV, had to stop due to hip pain. Through my physiotherapist i learnt about a MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS HERBAL TREATMENT from K.H.C (Kykuyu Health Clinic) and their success rate with the treatment, i immediately started on the MS treatment, i experienced decline in major symptoms including hand tremor, back pain, difficulty walking, muscle paralysis and weakness, uncomfortable tingling and burning, fatigue, urinary retention,double vision, slurred speech difficulty swallowing, numbness. Visit www. kykuyuhealthclinic. com. I knew that a positive attitude is everything and to just believe, I’m in control of my life again….
Kmacrox commented
44yr old disabled father of 5 that loves to game would love to reach out to the other people with multiple sclerosis and show we still can enjoy life.