Consider Flow Arts
"Flow Arts": As the current world condition has taken us from previous live festivals and performance, many Flow Artists and Dancers are turning to virtual and broadcasted live performances of their talents. Traditionally, we as dancers, hula-hoop performers, jugglers, poi spinners and other similar disciplines, have had to gravitate towards the "Music & Performance Art" category. (With no specific tag identifying us as with Flow Artists, nor dancers). Now that Twitch has adjusted back to "Music" as the original category, we have migrated to "just chatting"; it doesn't really identify our community at all, among others that actually do feature a "just chatting" brand. With the help of a few partnered streamers, we have formed a Twitch Team - "Flowmies" that was approved earlier in Spring of this year. We've since been building and growing our community while inviting and supporting other flow artists IRL, to come join Twitch from other platforms to continue their performance routines that have otherwise been put on pause. Some of the entertainers that have become part of our Team Flowmies have an incredible following outside of Twitch; with years to decades of experience in their field. Marketing, branding, and merchandising has led them to become quite successful, and we're honored that they have joined Twitch, and our team through our interview process. However, we still lack that unique category or tag that represents what a viewer can expect from our content. More importantly, we find difficulty in discovering fellow flow artists that may be interested in a larger community with growth potential, since we cannot search for "Flow Arts" as a tag. Not even "Dance" exists (which would be a vague description of what we perform).
We would like Twitch to introduce a tag "Flow Arts" to help identify our content and reach others that may search for similar creators so that we may bring more community building exercises and foster a home for a wide spectrum of talents that we already align ourselves with on our entertainment résumés as flow artists.
Thank you,
Hey all!
Super excited to share we now have a flow arts tag on Twitch!
Thank you so much for the feedback on this and please let us know if you have any other tags you would like to see on Twitch.
whirloffire commented
This is so needed
I have struggle to get my channel out there in general
Have a category will help me and others find cool flow channels -
MorgannnTV commented
This would make it so much easier for me to find other flow artist!!! This should be a thing!!!!!
フリクリ commented
so chilll
GhostHamster2 commented
How is this not a thing yet?
Laekwi commented
Jofish34974 commented
I’m sharing this! 🥰
DeathbringerTTV commented
Let it FLOW
xspacerose commented
Yes please I would love to be able to find other Flow Artists and support them on Twitch more easily!
MannyPanties commented
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ardent_melancholy commented
See Bjorkor for your "I Voted" hickey.
EnigmaticDust commented
This is the main reason i come to Twitch. Lets support these wonderful people <3
Bjorkor commented
give me flow arts or give me death
r0rw commented
So say we all.
Electric_Mermaid commented
this would be great!!
matanjuggles commented
As a flow artist who has recently started streaming on Twitch, and a member of the Flowmies team, I very much agree! A tag would allow me as a streamer and a viewer to better find people who are doing similar things.
iceTokki commented
KatHaplee commented
Hello, Twitch!
The flow arts community on Twitch would like to officially ask you to create a new content tag: Flow Arts. We’re an amazing community full of vibrant content creators and enthusiasts who are absolutely passionate about performing . At this point in time our community finds itself having to use tags that don’t represent the content we make, which we feel limits our ability to grow and connect with each other.
If you’ve ever seen anyone hula hooping or spinning fire at a music festival, this is what we refer to as “Flow Arts.” It’s a beautiful art form that is as deep and inspiring as it is entertaining to watch.
Flow Artists, like others in the performing arts, have been greatly affected by Covid-19, and have turned to the internet to connect with their audiences. Many long-time participants in the greater flow arts community are experimenting with livestreaming on Twitch. Accordingly, the flow arts community on Twitch has exploded this year, with 3 flow arts streamers getting partnered and serving audiences of 130+, and we feel that it’s time for the Twitch platform to carve out a space out for us in their content tags.
Right now, Twitch has tags such as “ballroom dance” and “hip-hop dance” but many of us do not think these tags properly categorize our content. Those of us who stream flow arts on Twitch largely found each other through other social platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, while there is currently no way for people to find other flow artists through Twitch directly. Making the decision to add a flow arts tag would greatly benefit the flow arts community as well as benefit Twitch as a platform, as it opens you up to a new growing content niche that is already well established on other platforms. As of now, there are 1.1 million posts labelled flow arts on Instagram, which really speaks to the general size of this community outside of Twitch. On YouTube, one of the biggest poi educators in the community, DrexFactor Poi, has total video views adding up to 8.5 million views.
Our community is bringing more and more people to the platform from Instagram and Facebook. Since the creation of our stream team Team Flowmies, the future of flow arts on Twitch has never looked brighter. We have begun connecting with each other and collaborating more often. Additionally, two years ago, there were 2 partnered flow arts streamers, and now there are 6, and Team Flowmies has grown from 7 initial members to 39 current members, with 5 streamers being added to the team every month. Twitch has proven to be a great place for flow artists to spend their time since COVID has pushed them inside. We have a strong community that enthusiastically helped us campaign for this tag on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our petition ( has garnered 733 signatures and this number represents people who use Twitch, or people from the larger flow arts community who do not use Twitch yet but may be interested in using it in the future. We also have a Discord community server that serves more than 200 people and holds monthly virtual festivals or “flow jams”.
In summary, granting the community a Flow Arts tag would create better conditions on Twitch for the Flow Arts community to thrive and grow. It would give the creators a sense of accuracy and community when labeling their content, and for Twitch, it would help you position yourselves as a platform that is welcoming and ready to be a preferred platform for flow arts enthusiasts to find content and connect with their favorite artists.
Thank you so much
From the Team Flowmies Admin Team:
KweenDaddi -
KatHaplee commented
Flow art - prop manipulation such as hooping, poi, contact staff, fiber optic whip, contact juggling (Fushigi), gloving, etc.
There are some flow artists on Twitch already, including partnered streamer Laribug, OutaCtrlSaturn, Mermaid_skillz, Spoopykitt, MateriaLights, bassssfairy and KatHaplee. Currently we have to use tags like hip-hop dance or contemporary dance that don't accurately describe the kind of dancing that we're doing.
Also, a flow art tag could entice more flow art content creators to join the platform, especially those from IG, if Twitch has a tag for it and it is recognized as a valid form of content by the platform. The current flow artists are currently building a Discord channel, and social media accounts dedicated to the Twitch Flow Community. Having a tag would solidify it as a type of content that is offered on the platform.