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135 results found

  1. Todays Knock/Dropin feature for StreamTogether would benefit from an OFF toggle.

    While you can permanently avoid all Knocks by having zero favourites and turning off all checkboxes for Follows, Partners, Affiliates this is not very clear and changes these settings.

    An OFF toggle would clearly convey the setting for any streamer who is not interested in streaming with others for multiple streams. Currently streamers dont have a control to turn off Knocks for multiple streams without remembering to do that, which is additional mental load; or deleting their settings.

    It would allow streamers to keep their settings for Favourites and…

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  2. challenge a chattar to 1v1 channel point challenge duel, group challenge

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  3. I wanted to suggest a feature that I believe would be incredibly useful for both streamers and viewers. This feature would allow users to search within their own or others' clips and highlights by game or Twitch category. By doing this, it would make navigating through a channel’s clips much easier, especially when looking for content related to a specific game.

    Additionally, I think it would be great to include a calendar feature that allows users to find clips from a specific time period. This would further enhance the discoverability of content and make it simpler to revisit past moments.

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  4. I just opened my mobile app today and found the worst looking UI design I think I've ever seen in my life. When will we be able to go back to the old UI?

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  5. I believe 18+ belongs on Twitch; I have no problem with it being there. But, as a smaller streamer, to find me, you have to navigate tons of 18+ content.

    There needs to be an explicit tab or easy setting to turn off an on that content (and "off" by default if you're not logged in). 18+ doesn't need to be hidden or harder to get to, but I do feel like it needs its own section. Right now, the art section shows up as "Baking Christmas cookies" "making a sculpture" and "how many **** can fit in this ****"…

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  6. Streamers should be allowed to upload custom VIP badges or create own badges and roles (similar like VIP for instance) for their channels. It would be great if this feature could fit into the streaming thing.

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  7. I want a watch history manager, in order be able to be remove streams that I accidentally clicked or redirected to after the previous video ended. It can be a pain being judge based on those video you don't want to watch to begin with.

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  8. The basic idea behind this is to allow users to create personal blacklists of raid targets and streamer content they do not want to take part of AT ALL. Personally I propose this idea because there's some streamers I really hate and I don't want to be involved with them at all, and the base blocking feature does not work.

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  9. If we post an idea/request there is currently no way to come back and see if anyone has commented on it. Currently we must slog through a confusing interface of trying to find it again in order to simply land here. Then I can find no way to view my previous ideas....probably including this one. How is this not tied to our accounts? Please give us an updated dashboard that includes topics we've created.

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  10. Essentially, a lot of streamers playing games during Variety periods, and this applies a lot to old games, tend to improperly setup the respective games (due to their age or certain things that have to be worked out). Not only that, a lot of streamers don't approach older games correctly, resulting in frustrations, chat backseating and overall an incomplete experience.

    For example, Max Payne 3 is a very fickle game:
    - It features controls that aren't explained to the player directly (G to roll, Ctrl to sprint, 1 2 3 4 for gun controls, H to switch shoulder),
    - The…

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  11. Short form content in the form of stream highlights is a extremely popular form of boosting engagement and discovery on other platforms but they are more of a "here is what you can expect" or "here is what I do" however as twitch is still the dominant platform for live streamers.

    Why not have a Shortform content section for live channels where clips posted by people with the editor role feed into the short form content algorithm for people to find a currently live channel to check out. Instead of a "when I am live" it's a "This is happening…

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  12. Reruns have been killing the asmr section to the point where everything is now reruns. There are a plethora of issues with this one problem, still there are far more than what meets the eye.

    The ASMR section was once filled with new live channels (when I started viewing this content was 2 years ago and now it has gone from pretty much all live to less than around 10% live)

    This trend has done catastrophic damage to the potential of new creators, I believe there needs to be a major signifier of what is a rerun and what's a…

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  13. I noticed a lot of streamers like to use tags to describe things like their identity, community, shared values, etc. to bring like-minded viewers to their stream. Even though the maximum number of tags allowed on a stream at the moment is 10, sometimes that number isn’t enough for a streamer to properly convey what to expect from their stream. If we could increase the maximum number of tags allowed to even 15 or even 12, that would help so much in streamer discoverability.

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  14. Twitch is increasingly seeing success in large, full-time partnered streamers who seem to be growing in mainstream recognition and opportunities, but what is or can Twitch do to help dedicated small streamers get visibility to avoid a YouTube-like situation where it's only for the celebrities.

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  15. November is Native American/Alaska Native Heritage month do you have any plans to highlight this or feature Native Streamers?

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  16. When multiple channel point redeems are redeemed many times (by one or more users), the chat should not be spammed with
    "<User> redeemed <redeem name> <cost>"

    All the chat messages are getting flooded if theres a wave of redemptions (which can be fun and engaging!). They should be collapsed into a single line eg.
    "<User1>, <User2>, and 6 others redeemed <redeem name> <cost> x15"
    This existing message should update and increment every time a new identical redemption is done in the next minute (probably starting from the first redemption).

    This way its only going to be a single line instead…

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  17. i so think it would be a nice change for twitch to have a special tab like ''recomended smaller comunities'' and ''people recomended for you'' but one for people celebrating their Streamer-versary to get that extra push since even getting shown at ''recomended smaller communities'' takes quite a decently sized community

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  18. In the Category Suggestion section of the Overview page. It would be nice if we could set certain permanent filters and excludes.

    For example, a setting to exclude games which are exclusively on platforms the streamer doesn't own, like a Nintendo Switch. This could further help in refining suggestions to only games the streamer could actually be able to play.

    In addition to platforms, certain category of games could be added to the exclude list. For example, if the streamer doesn't like racing games and would never consider playing one, or horror games, etc.

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  19. Provide a filter to sort by languages. I'm tired of seeing 80% of the content not be accessible to me because I don't know the language of the stream.

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  20. Yes, I am aware there is UnwantedTwitch extension for Chrome and Firefox.

    No, we should not have to rely on a third party extension to have this feature to allow hiding a streamer/game/tag/category whom someone is not interested on.

    Allow viewers more control on what gets displayed at any given time to them anywhere in the site. Can even put the data this would provide to some good use internally.

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