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304 results found

  1. Have a Castor chat option to use the arrow key in the chat that allows you to scroll down chat comments 1 at a time. This way you can break away from chat to focus on content and easily pick up were you left off.

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  2. It's not really a 'bug' but more of a user experience issue.

    When I click emotes in the emote selection drawer, the chat box fills with the text representation, and eventually the chat box auto-lengthens to accommodate increasing amounts of text. The emote I was clicking on has now moved enough pixels away such that if I do not move my cursor to adapt, I click on an unintentional emote. It is annoying to then have to delete a long string due to one single click.

    Can we please change the behaviour so the chat box is perhaps static and…

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  3. Users have no purpose in seeing when a comment has been moderated. The text should not simply have a stamp placed over it that shows everyone it was removed (social embarrassment pressure) but should be removed entirely from chat. It would allow for fewer data transfer to individuals who are performing as expected. It would reduce chat congestion. It would promote better engagement by streamers as they wouldn't have to scope though garbage comments to reply. If the message sender needs to be notified a whisper could be applied to them suggesting their comment was removed. No further information is…

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  4. When the streamer put music and is in just chatting maybe the part of the chat can change the white or black color to others colors like a party and in that time the chat and the streamer they will have a more real party experience.

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  5. Very simple, VPNs and TOR / onion routing are routinely weaponized by bad actors such as serial trolls and harassers to effortlessly ban evade Twitch's IP bans, especially when the bar to create new accounts is incredibly low (if not virtually non-existent). The time has come for Twitch to disable these backdoors that enable harassers and does more harm than good. Twitch uses IRC for its chat functionality, and IRC natively supports detection and blocking of these services. (Twitch just has to enable it)

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  6. a filter for chat (like slow mode) but instead of slowing down the time a chatter can send a message, all people can send messages at whatever speed they want but only a random few actually go through. This would help bigger creators who have high viewership, because even if they have 30 second slowmode on, there is still thousands of people who can send a message within that time. This also helps creators who don't want to use 'money mode' but would still like their chat to be viewable. There could be a setting to determine how many messages…

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  7. Maybe adding a way to hide the chat, but not the chat bar where you type/send messages ? i think this would be a good idea because in super fast or weird chats, its kinda annoying to open chat everytime to comment on something . this would also be a good idea because if you dont want to see a chat whizzing by but still want to say stuff, being able to show only the chat bar would be nice

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  8. Happy new year! I hope that Twitch will be able to take place of alphabet... I don't know what research you have done so it is hard to help you. Applaud (positive enforcement for creator) It would be great, creator could see what part of the show is most popular and the consumers could erxpress themself while limiting spam.

    Why I watch YT and not Twitch (when I do) ... I can,t stop/fast forward live video :(

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  9. If there is a need to ban someone or remove a comment, those should still be seen on the Video on Demand and not edited out as it appears that is happening. It is a good idea to leave these in so that others seeing the repeat will see how strict the mods are on channel, what gets you banned or your comment removed. Then the person can decide to keep watching/sub to the channel. Any viewer late to the stream questioning why a user got banned or a comment removed can go back and see that section on the…

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  10. As thousands of messages scroll in the chat room, unable to read them, I close the chat and come back to it, from time to time, as I'm watching the game. Therefore, I suggest highlighting the replies to my messages when I come back to chat. Thx! Regards,

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  11. so in chatterino you can see banned messages if it goes though and i was hopping yall can also add this

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  12. I think it would be cool if there were a way to hop into chat under a temporary username, similar to Discord. I usually invite friends and family to join my stream and chat but they would rather not have to create an account to chat. So if there were a way to assign a temporary username to join chat, I feel like people will feel more inclined to stay in the stream.

    I know there's probably some kind of security and privacy risk with this, but if there would be a proper way to track a user's IP (or…

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. There would be great if all the people could SPEAK and not only "write".

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  15. since live notifications dont work in theatre mode (which im in 100% of the time) could we plz get notifications in chat that are highlighted when
    1: a streamer i follow comes online
    2: a streamer i follow changes game categories

    this is very useful information to know so we can watch something more interesting to us asap without having to rely on discord notifications or twitter etc

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  16. Give users chat timers. Allow free users to send a chat once per 30 sec or a minute. sub users have shorter chat timer. I just joined Twitch, and the chat is so broken. 99% of chats are lost in the crowd.

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  17. The theater mode is already a step in the right direction! However, many streamers implement a live chat on their screen and in these cases it would be great to only have a chatbar in you UI to type messages but not see the actual chat. Because now you have to see the chat twice if you want to join in conversation with these streamers and this feature would make it so that you can almost watch in full-screen while still talking!

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  18. Why not do it like in other competitors so that for example cheering messages hang at the top for a while and that they can be read while they hang there at the top. And make a selection of simple followers as it is done for subscribers, you can also do it for a while, for example, the icon with an avatar hung at the top of the chat and then disappeared.

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  19. Chat latency needs to be improved upon, because it's constantly trying to send and receive 0 Bytes of data which in turn causes the chat to need to constantly "reconnect". I've monitored over the period of 20 minutes to an hour where the chat is constantly flooded with "Welcome to chat", and the network monitor shows the Twitch chat API constantly sending 0 Bytes taking up to 1.0 minutes to 1.6 minutes, where else everything takes ⅓ of that to load at at rate of around 3 ms - 400ms.

    wss:// Websocket takes up 1 minute to 1.6 minutes to…

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  20. there is still no option to change the letter size - only by using bttv! Would be very very nice to do it directly on twitch without a 3rd party tool! Also i suggest an option for different sizes for the video/stream player - right now i have big video window which uses to much space

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